Why do we work – when organizations care about careers

In the last post on Career Stages, I described a few key attributes for evaluating career progression that organizations and/or individuals need to take care of if they want to effectively manage the career, esp. of their senior employees. Low engagement level, 'through others' contribution mode, and # of real working hours are key points … Continue reading Why do we work – when organizations care about careers

Why do we work – Career vs. Needs Hierarchy

I have been talking to many working professionals over past few weeks about their need to work and what they seek from work. This post (and the next one) summarizes my observations and theory around what I hear. From a career and motivation perspective, there are 4 levels of employees in an organization: Entry Level … Continue reading Why do we work – Career vs. Needs Hierarchy

New Managers: moving from 1 report to 5 reports effectively

You were a management understudy and had a report (or 2) to test your management abilities. Now your manager thinks you are now ready to be a manager and you now have 5 reports. Congratulations! Once celebrations are over, you start thinking: is this going to be any different than before? Do my strategies for … Continue reading New Managers: moving from 1 report to 5 reports effectively

Effective 1-1s – Fostering trust and creating no-harm zone

Effective 1-1 is the cornerstone of a successful management career, and acquiring necessary competencies in order to have a great 1-1 with your reports is a great career enhancement technique. I have referred to this topic many times in my posts and have couple of posts devoted to this topic (see Managing 1-1s and Effective … Continue reading Effective 1-1s – Fostering trust and creating no-harm zone

High-performance teams – Do they need leaders?

Recently I attended a training which highlighted some of the differences between team and workgroups. The discussion started with the team definition. The definition used was the one from 'Wisdom of Teams' book: A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach … Continue reading High-performance teams – Do they need leaders?